The media are catching on!

January 30, 2009

It’s amazing that we are beginning to see and hear the media finally saying that real estate investment in homes here in Phoenix is beginning to perk up. There are still many homes waiting to be sold, but it is an excellent time for first time homebuyers to enter the market. The combination of price levels and lower cost financing is almost irresistable and will allow current renters with good credit to move into the home of their choice with little or no change in monthly cost. If you want to check this out just go to my website ( and use the housing calculator there. It’s fun! In most areas of the Valley pric es have been rolled back to levels not seen since before the year 2000. So now is your chance to get that home you have been dreaming of. There are over 16,000 homes listed today with at least 2 bedrooms for prices of less than $150,000. And investors and homebuyers are beginning to really approach our market. I have recently had several contacts from Canadians who see a wonderful opportunity to acquire a winter home here. And compared to their prices, we look very attractive. So I understand the media jumping on the bandwagon, I just don’t understand what took them so long.


November 25, 2008

Last Saturday we planned and set up to host a “garage sale” with a neighbor.  They have a young son of 5-6 who had never gone to or participated in such a sale.  He was soooo excited the night before that he could hardly sleep and his mother finally had to lie down with him to get him to sleep.  Early the next morning he was up like a flash telling his mom that it was time to go over and take the big toys that he had outgrown to add to the treasures that we were selling that day.  When we opened the garage door and began to set up in the driveway people were already stopping.  Cameron was so animated as he pointed out how his toy cart and wagon worked and that they were in great shape.  He followed various people around as they browsed through the things, commenting on the prices.  Later on that morning he was talking with his mom and dad about how much money they had gotten for his toys and what he was going to spend it on.  Sometimes we forget the joys of those “first times” as we grow up.  But on Saturday we remembered!

Welcome to my blog.

September 25, 2008

As I begin my blogging era I think of the many folks that I know that are challenged and confused about making decisions in the current real estate market in greater Phoenix.  From my point of view it’s a time that offers extraordinary opportunities for buyers to find the dream home they have been thinking about for several years.  Working with clients from Canada and other parts of the country, they are seeing homes that would not be available to them in their current home areas.


But is the glass half empty for sellers today?  Well the market will always determine the current value, but you can influence both time on the market and the ultimate price by taking steps to show your home as the one buyers will want.  By effectively staging your home to highlight its best features, painting and updating focal points and marketing it as broadly as possible with a well positioned Realtor.  Think about how you would react if you drove up to your home right now for the first time.


Right now it’s really great to be in real estate because you can truly use your skill and experience to help friends and other folks make the best decisions that definitely have a long term impact on their lives.  Do you know someone that could use some professional tips or advise?  Tell them to call or go onto